Unsung - Sup Bub
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Featured on Bandcamp’s “New and Noteworthy” genre lists for art rap, experimental hip-hop, and indie rap.
”A real fun rollercoaster” - Weird Rap
1. Huh? Chedt Breez Intro (feat. Bunga)
2. Demon in a Pit (feat. Brandt)
3. Cornfield
4. Egg Breakers Inc. (feat. Lt Headtrip)
5. Blister Willam Mooney (feat. Bunga)
6. Foods We Eat (feat. Jack Wilson)
7. Low-Fat Cool Whip (feat. Duncecap)
8. Huh? Chedt Interviews Brian
9. You Are Hallucinating (feat. Bloodmoney Perez)
10. Sheesh, This Kid's Got Gumption! (feat. Cunabear)
11. Playgore Gorms
12. Highland Novena (feat. Bunga)
13. Jars Like Pickles (feat. Iceberg Theory)
14. Loincloth in the Sauna (feat. Brandt)
15. I Hustled These Streets (feat. John Dorsey)
16. Post-Destruction Elvis (feat. Lt Headtrip)
17. The Dream Team (feat. Eric Augenstein)
18. Huh? Chedt Breaks it Down w Dr. Topto
19. Full Body Voltron Cast (feat. Lamon Manuel)
20. Traced Palm Springs (feat. Bloodmoney Perez)
21. Huh? Chedt the Critic (feat. Bunga)
22. Rhinestone Doughboy
23. Starchy Sandwich Buds (feat. Duncecap)
24. DUNCE VHS (feat. Duncecap)
25. Hot to Trot! (feat. Cody Cody Jones)
26. Witch Kissing Techniques (feat. Brandt)
27. Got Time Bruv? (feat. Lt Headtrip)
28. The Headtrip Hole (feat. Lt Headtrip)
29. Lasagna Pots
30. Mortgage Stranglers (feat. Lt Headtrip)
31. For a Bad Time Call (feat. Bunga)
32. Huh? Chedt Begins to Slip
33. The Sup Bub Retirement Plan (feat. Jack Wilson)